
Cleaning Time

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
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BUSY was the day. But the outcome was very good in spite of a migraine attack that would have crumbled the head of a granite statue. However it was over and the OFM up and limping in about four hours. 

We were out supplying for the Castle when the migraine hit. But about 1300 the OFM rolled out to get some lunch and finish the supply run. The supply run was highly successful. And WOW of WOW the OFM finished the electrical repair/updates today. So now the Castle is ready to roll again. The weather is too nasty so we will wait it out with full hookups.

The Teams told the OFM that he had failed to record our nest for this visit to The Quiet One. So here we are in our somewhat shaded double size site.

A couple of other chores on the chore list have been crossed off. Income Tax is all that is left. We have to wait for papers from our mailing service to arrive before we can tackle the IRS. Then the OFM will have fun figuring out the new forms. It is always such a joy.

Since things sort of went well (remember the migraine) today, the OFM decided it was time for Chicken Stoup tonight. So into the bucket went some cooked chicken breast, celery, onion, honey baked beans, garlic powder and sesame seeds. 

Bring to a boil and simmer for ten minutes and it is ready to eat. Yep it was very good. It was a surprise how strong flavored the sesame seeds were. There was enough left for a warm bowl tomorrow with some crispy flour tortillas. 

With a little luck we will get the Castle vacuumed and dusted, the laundry done and put away in between the predicted rain showers. At least the rain does rinse the salt off the rig.

By Wednesday we are planning on having nothing to do for a while except try to have tooooo much fun.

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