
Fantastic Photo

Adventure Location: Del Rio, TX
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The Teams are the only rig in the whole campground tonight. There has been lots of RV traffic on Highway 90 but since about 0930 we have been the sole occupants. So tonight we will cover some details and have a fantastic final picture.

Coming in to the campground is about a mile of fairly smooth gravel road. It is not rough but definitely not smooth either. This picture is taken at the end of the entry road just before it enters the campground. Most of the road is just exactly like this shows.

While standing in the same spot the OFM turned around to show the split and how to take either direction to enter the campground. The roads loop around and meet up so any part of the campground is easily accessible by any size RV that wants to come into the camping portion of the facility.

A famous tree in the camping area is the Billy Bob Tree so named  for the famous traveler and blogger Billy Bob. BB is off the road now and living in Georgia but his blog is still available to view for all the old adventures.

The Teams went over to the “corner campsite” to take a few pictures. This is the only campsite with two sides of waterfront when the lake is full. The lake is way from full now and has been for the years of drought  the area is suffering. That little bit of water way out there is a small canyon off the main body of the lake. The red line shows where the water is at full.

Very nearby is the place the OFM stands to take the sunset pictures.  It looks quite a bit different during the hazy nasty cold day light doesn’t it.

And now for the fantastic picture that is better than any sunset and the instigators of a whole lot of trying to have tooooo much fun.
Grand Kids Gavin and Piper Ward.

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