
Falcon Beach Tour


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-5-2023

The beach area of the state park is huge due to the lake being 40 plus feet low and the convoluted shoreline. We decided to attempt to cover it for the morning walk. The tee shirt and light windbreaker seemed to be plenty of warmth as we started the walk from the top of the main boat ramp that has no water for launching. We are looking down the volunteer road to the lake front way down there and around to the right. Off we went. The walking is easy and reasonably smooth but long,

After a few minutes of pleasant strolling we came to one of the locations folks use to launch boats. There are several more very similar spots along the beach area.

We meandered along the beach on the firm sand that can handle vehicles just fine. Most of the time the water is not deep quickly and provides lots of places for folks to do lots of splashing around safely.

The waterfront wiggles back and forth a lot which provides lots of waterfront playground. This next picture is just around the bend from the previous picture. This happens several times to give lots of space for families to play together.

We turned back after we walked a ways on this stretch of beach and followed a volunteer path we knew about back up the hills to the starting point. We recommend that folks drive down to the beach area instead of carry their stuff down there due to the distance and elevation change. But it is a nice area to play.

On the way back up to the starting point the OFM had to get shed of the windbreaker since it was getting pretty warm. Later in the day after more adventures we returned to the Castle about 1530 and here was the temperature in the Castle with the windows open.

We made a drive to visit with our friend Rick W. to discuss when to move and where. He had also been looking at when to move northward to Lake Amistad about 275 miles north. We talked a bit about how cold it is being forecast for that area and maybe we will not be moving until in March some time. Just to let our readers know we do not have any special plans after we make it to Lake Amistad either. So this might be an interesting spring season of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I can't get my head around Falcon being 275 miles from Amistad. South TX is long. Longer than I think. Glad you are having some WARM weather. 70's here, which is a nice change. Enjoy.

    1. I usually stay at San Pedro campground in the NRA and Boca Chica Beach at the end of Texas is a bit over 400 miles according to Goggle Maps. Falcon to San Pedro usually takes me about 6 hours towing.

    2. I guess because I haven't spent much time down there, only being to McAllen once, I sort of think of it all as being compressed into a couple of hundred miles. Evidently there's a lot of space in my mind map that's not very filled in.

    3. Between here and McAllen is about 75 miles South and several small towns.
