
Making Travel Plans Is Important


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-3-2023

Here we finally get started on tonight's blog entry LATE again. This location just has way too much to do and see to fit into a reasonable day. We have lots of pictures and stories to prepare before publishing but not enough time to get it all done. So here we go with a few items.

The OFM is pretty good at finding folks that could use his travel experience and helping them find their way around all the exciting things to see and do in south and west Texas and New Mexico. We managed to find six different sets of folks to help today and it is great fun to tell those about specifics of where they are headed so they get to see it all. Or at least try to.

The super nice folks with the QUEBEC license on their van were really great to visit with this evening. They are on a long looping trip through the western parts of the country. We hope they are having too much fun planning the next steps of their adventure.

On top of that we had a couple hour meeting with friend Rick about his travel plans and several other things. There is so much to do in this lifestyle that there is no chance to sit still unless you make it happen and waste some travel time.

Tomorrow will likely be another exciting day we hope but with picture taking being the object of the day.

And speaking of pictures here is one of a tree eating the moon. It was difficult to take since the OFM is an old and shaky photographer. Don't bother mentioning tri pods unless you are volunteering to follow around carrying that thing. The OFM has already been down that road a couple of times and chosen not if HE has to carry the tripod.

Then we have one sunset picture ready to go and it was a difficult one to get the camera to focus well on the image desired. But is is pretty good anyway.

We hope the sunset pic is good enough for everyone to enjoy. It was a bit difficult to take as the light was getting dim and the camera was having trouble focusing clearly.

And that's it for tonight. As you can tell we have been very busy trying to have toooooo much fun and not wasting life at all.


  1. There is just something different about the sunsets west of the Mississippi River. Open skies I guess makes them much different. It would be nice to meet all those you do while traveling. Reminds me of all the people I met and would talk to on my 1976 cross country bicycle trip. A couple of years ago I sat and talked with Boonie for hours, as he was passing through Sierra Vista. Yes, anywhere the choice is up to you ... being active or a couch potato.
