
Frisky Sleep


Adventure Location: Falcon County Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-23-2023

A lot of folks leaving the area now. Our front yard cleared out totally today. From the front door of the Castle this is our porch view so to speak.

The OFM walked around the area to see what folks had left behind and found one old door mat. We will leave it there for a day in case they come back for it, then it goes into the trash dumpsters up by the rest room and showers.

While we were sweeping the area we stopped at the entry road and grabbed this picture looking back at the Castle and Sierra. It is starting to look lonesome here.

Our extremely nice neighbors from Canada right above Maine USA will be leaving in the morning to continue their tour of the country by dropping down to South Padre Island to try their luck with camping on the soft sand of Padre Island. They listened carefully to the OFM lesson on sand driving. We wish them safe travels and tooooo much fun. This place is really getting lonesome looking with all the rigs already gone.

In the mean time the Teams went over to the State Park to see how things were going there. There was camping sites available for new guests. The boat launch areas were busy to our surprise.

From the wet tracks up the hill from the boat launch there has been some decent activity at the ramp today. Were fish being caught? We don't know since we did not get to visit any fishermen. But it would not surprise us if the fishing was decent to very good.

And today was cook meals for freezing day. Stoup was the meal and it turned out pretty well. Knorr Mexican rice package with baked beans, whole kernal corn, bell pepper, spices, Lawlers Sweet Red Sauce, black pepper and chopped cabbage were the ingredients and it came out very good with five meals for eating.

Now we will not starve for a few days.

It has been interesting that the OFM has been sleeping very well at night with the windows open and the gentle high 60's temp breeze flowing through the Castle all night. We certainly would like a long time of that delightful sleeping for a change. It makes him frisky to sleep that well and then try to have tooooo much fun the next day.


  1. Hmmm I swear I see some sausage in there but it didn't get any credit for making that stoup delicious.
    PINS has had some high tides and the driving reports have been good - hope it stays that way for your friends and for ME as I try my luck starting Sunday for 72 hrs of having too much fun.

    1. OK Eagle Eye there is forgotten sausage in the mix. Basically anything in the refrige got considered for the stoup.
