
Worn Out


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-6-2023

Another incredibly busy day today. One thing important accomplished was to pick the place we will try to get Wednesday when we move to the county park.

Then while sitting with Rick W. more things came up to check out. It seems like there is no end to the opportunities to keep busy in this area. Even stopping to talk to the lady at the party building where events of all sorts happen turned into over an hour event in itself. BUT the OFM got one of her freshly baked chocolate chip muffins and it was spectacularly wonderful. The OFM is proud of himself for only eating one of them. Several portions of the trail system were walked as time allowed.

While checking out the display garden to see if fresh new growth is happening, it was not yet, we came up on this resting seat for weary legs that makes you look like a butterfly when you use it. It is a pretty neat piece of garden decoration too.

Later in the evening as we meandered around we managed to get this 32x telephoto shot of the lake beach we showed in yesterdays blog in use so now you can get a better idea of the size of the area way over there but still in the park.

A photographer cannot afford to miss a sunset out west. The worst of them are pretty good. Tonight is what we consider a low end sunset but we shot it anyway and it turned out pretty nice we think. But like The Boondork says on his blog (( ) the sky needs clouds for great sunset photos. He is a master photographer of lots of interesting things and places.

Tonight the OFM was able to go to the showers next door to the Site we occupy and take a loooooooooooooooooooog warm shower and it feels reallllly great. We have been rushing short warm showers in the Castle and hurrying back to sorting all the days events.

Today the Teams had a meeting and decided we just cannot comfortably cover all the things to report in the area. So we will be taking some time for the Teams and letting some things just wait for a different time. It is time to relax a bit and enjoy this lifestyle a little better. But the OFM sure hates to miss something. For those who do not know about the Chihuahua Desert in western USA, it is big enough to spend your whole life exploring it like we do the exploring and never complete the effort. But we plan to make the attempt as a great way of trying to having tooooo much fun.