
Butt Planks


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-11-2023

The morning started a bit chilly and over cast so the OFM and Sierra took a little drive to check out an old memory. It proved to be an OFM memory that was inaccurate so we quickly headed back to the Castle. Normally a daily clean up crew of Javelina passes through the campground. But this year we have not seen any in the camping area at all. On the way back to the Castle this morning we saw an actual live adult Javelina cross the road in front of us. That was exciting for the teams to see old friends still around.

After swapping our gear for the next effort this morning we started our exercise walk and took a trail to the picnic area parking lot. A look at the sky showed that it was going to be a fantastic day for being outdoors and photography. It was even better than we hoped. Check out this sky from the picnic area parking lot.

Isn't that magnificent. And it kept on getting better all day if you can believe it. Yea for the desert.

Some where on the trails system the OFM was gathering some of the 87 pictures he took today when a nice voice hollered HELLO and my across the street neighbors came peddling by on their bikes. They were having a great time on the biking/walking paths.

The OFM had already clued them into the paths for reasonable riding but we still need to clue them in on the area for unreasonable riding. A bunch of the former lake bottom is open to wild bike riding of any sort on a people powered bike can attempt to do. It makes the OFM wish he still had enough balance to ride bikes.

At another time this morning as the OFM passed the gathering building used for gatherings of all sorts, he stopped in to see what was happening (a lot) and noticed this jig saw puzzle framed and mounted on a wall in the main room. It is pretty neat we think.

The trails here in the park have simple benches located along the trails at well chosen locations. After many years of use and weathering they are replacing the butt plank with new ones.

It is a very welcome upgrade that will definitely be welcomed by many folks.

Keep in mind that this park is located in the middle of a serious bird flyway for migratory feathered friends. Right now it is bird chirping all day by thousands of birds and it gets noisy during the day. It is difficult to run out of things to do around this area is what we have found for the fifty years we have been coming here. So it makes a pretty good area for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. 50 years is a long time. Wonder how much it has changed. Must be nice to be in a bird sanctuary and be able to hear them. Glad your weather is warming up. Just wish it would stay that way.

    1. I have to give them credit in that virtually everything that has changed that I know about has been for the better with minimum natural activity being bothered. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Glad you are having a nice time with the wildife. Birds, javenlina. Though I am scared of pigs. My father raised some once. But they are smart and interesting. Good to hear you are having such good days on the road again and are out of the south, against which I confess I am prejudiced. Humid, woodsy, mosquitoey. That's not based on much experience. I'm just prejudiced.

    1. Just so we all know, Javelina are not of the pig family even though they look similar.

  3. Wish I was there for the migratory bird month through fun to ID those birds.

    1. There are definitely a lot of feather legs here during that time and they are noisy.
