
Trying To Help Folks


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-9-2023

Lots of folks here this year headed to western Texas etc. Today we met four more couples headed west and tried to assist each set in their plans for West Texas travels in the next week or so. So that means at least eight more very nice folks that the OFM cannot recall their names. This forgetting names mess is very embarrassing to him.

But you must understand that the OFM loves getting to meet all these new and fascinating folks. He also hopes he has been helpful for them.

The only pic today came during the last session of helping some folks from Quebec that were extremely nice and polite. As we were getting into the sunset time the OFM stopped talking and grabbed a quick photo and back to helping making plans he went.

This is another of the burning tree series we are accumulating in a file on the computer.

This one will be named Grove on Fire.

The next two nights are supposed to be chilly and then it looks like we will be moving into spring weather warming. Perhaps we will start the northward migration in a couple of weeks or less. To all the folks who gave comments about the sunset from last nights blog, we thank you for the input. It is very helpful.

In the meantime with all the nice folks we are meeting trying to have tooooo much fun is easier.


  1. What do you say when you can't recall somone's name? "I'm sorry, I can't recall your name.."

  2. I meant to comment on last night's sunset. Don't remember what took me away from my ipad after I saw it. That is one spectacular photo! Tonight's isn't half bad, either. Lucky those folks who were able to get help from you.

  3. So, things are looking good. Yes, it will be cooler tomorrow....after 60's today here, will be 40's manana. Nice that you are having some good encounters where you are being of good use! Wanderers who can use some information, and you've got some..

    1. I hope you are ready for this next cold snap. Looking at low 30s for a night or two way down here.

  4. That is a firey sunset, OFM. Just remember, it's the memories of these nice folks that's important, not their names.
