
Potential Travel Plans Announced


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-4-2023

The Teams thought this camping stuff was supposed to be relaxing and lazy in style. That dadgum OFM is running us to death with all his want to do's.

We did do a heavy duty reconnaissance of our next camping area at the Falcon County Park next door. We now have a bit of idea of where we hope to set up if there is still room Wednesday morning. It will be in hollering distance of old friend Rick who has been there over a month already. We are both planning to move on north about 275 miles at the end of the month .

We noticed today during some messing around in the storage lockers that we apparently got rid of a couple of hoses and have failed to replace them and we will need them. So a shopping trip is due before Wednesday.

The OFM thought that tonight would be a good sunset night to record and show the world. So at the right time we headed to the chosen spot for the photography of the sunset. We took the trail near the Castle and headed to the picnic area that is waterfront when there is water in the lake. We picked a good spot to set up and the OFM leaned back against a table and rested.

We noticed that even though the campgrounds are full that nobody came down to photograph the sunset.

Looking right.

Looking left.

And then we looked behind us and the OFM Shadow had followed us to the picture taking spot.

It was about a fifteen minute wait until we thought the proper time was now. So we got all set up and ready and this was the best picture that happened this evening.

Not spectacular like yesterday's sunset picture.

The walk back to the Castle and supper was pleasant in the late evening cool. It looks like the really cold weather is over and the cold mess is moderating quickly. We should be able to roll north in 2 to 3 weeks.

In the meantime we have a lot of trying to have tooooo much fun to get done.


  1. So like an old horse that finally got out of the barn. Glad you're having a good time and are raring to go.
