


Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park Texas

Adventure Date: 2-8-2023

Some folks have asked the OFM how long he has been living in an RV. Naturally the answer is not that simple but here goes a try at a true answer. He lived in an RV in the Houston area in three segments totaling three years. During that time his preference for RV life solidified. Then there was a break for a short while when he went to Washington state to work. The last two years he was working there he was living in a 32 foot Arctic Fox. Then the fun got started. In July of 2007 he moved into the Castle as it is now known. On October 7, 2007 he and the Castle rolled out as free spirited full time RV travelers. Total it all up and it comes to well over eighteen years of full time living in an RV of one type or another.

But keep in mind he is still a knucklehead and proved it again today. We were getting ready to do something and the OFM could not find his clip on sunglasses that he needs since cataract surgery last December. We searched the Castle, Sierra, our camping spot we moved to this morning, the camping spot we moved from this morning, under the Castle in case the wind blew them around and even back tot he site of last nights sunset photography. We gave up and went to lunch in Roma and learned to squint really well. Back after lunch in the Castle, he glanced at table the computer was sitting on and there the sunglasses were sitting on a black section of the art pencils metal box.

What a knot head he is!

We have been wanting to put a thermometer outside to check the temps outside before opening the castle door. So a vise that clamps to a table was put on the picnic table and a thermometer clamped in the vise. Yahoo we have a weather station now. It tells the temperature and if it is raining or not. Gosh the teams are brilliant, Right?

And to top off a busy day we chose a different location for trying to get a good sunset and it is a bit longer walk but the walk is easy. We got there too early and piddled around jut piddling around until things up in the sky started happening. Here is what we got today and it is pretty nice we think. Let us know what you thing please.

And that is not all the knuckle headed things going on but the rest will wait for another day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I think the sunset picture is fantastic, good framing with the trees and the lake. Hopefully it will be included in a future painting. :)

    1. Thank you for your comment. Just as an aside, my backlog of possible paintings is huge since I run around in places with lots of "possible paintings" waiting to be collected. Thank you again.

  2. I got a good chuckle out of the sunglasses mishap - that kind of stuff happens around here a lot. Why are the "safe" places so hard to find again?? Beautiful sunset shot, it looks like a great place you've found to camp for a while. Linda

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am afraid that those mistakes are getting way too frequent in my older age.

  3. Great sunset picture! I have multiple sets of reading glasses so I can find one where I need it... Sunglasses, I when down for an eye exam & new glasses, ordered the glasses that get dark in the sunshine. I'll see if they really do what I want probably next week! (When they come in :-)

    We have a thermometer that attaches to the outside window of the RV, it stays there even when we're driving and it's easy to read. Maybe not as accurate as the one clamped to the table but it's always there.
    Here is what it's called on Amazon, "ElectroOptix KT-7 KleerTemp Thermometer"

    1. Thanks for the info . I quit the photo prescription glasses a few years ago because I could not see my screen hues and density on the digital camera properly for my photos. Now I use plain clear lenses and the clip on sunglasses so I can take off the tinted lenses and see what I am really photographing.

    2. Thanks, I'll keep your experience in mind when see how the new glasses work for me.
      I wear readers to read and my prescription glasses when I drive at night because they do help (I'm not required to wear glasses to drive). I wear sunglasses in the daytime because it's bright out and they help. I never thought of the clip on sunglasses....

    3. OOPS I forgot to mention that except for messing up my life long photography hobby, I really liked the photo optic glasses for everything else.
