
Water Paths


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 9-9-2022

A very busy day it was today. The cool morning got the Walking Team up and at it at a reasonable time. We actually tried a route the OFM worked out yesterday that went by some of our favorite places. It turned out to be a near perfect 2.72 miles. That normally fits the OFM knees and hips just right. Today we found out the OFM gout toe decided it wanted to protest any walking effort but the rest of the Team over ruled it. We did take a bit of acetaminophen to reduce the misery.

Along the route today we passed an opening in the trees and saw this interesting scene,

We were unable to figure out what made all the myriad of paths through the vegetation on the surface of the water. There was not any feathered floaters (ducks) in sight to do that. We would be delighted to hear guesses tonight.

We had a few things to grab at Walmart today so when we finished our lunch meal at Lawlers, we headed to Walmart and as we parked Sierra the gas price sign caught our attention.

Working on a painting had the OFM concentrating so much supper time came and went and suddenly the OFM Stomach attacked with a vengeance WE ARE GOING TO EAT NOW. So the OFM got busy with a nice salad.

Here is the first layer of vegetables.

Then we piled on the mixed greens and spiced boiled chicken and topped it with Lawlers Sweet Red BBQ sauce. Cheap Root Beer made the beverage of choice. It was just right for supper. To entertain the Teams while eating we scrutinized our current painting for needed repairs or changes.

We will be finishing up this excellent example of an old fool trying to make art this weekend we hope. Then we will have to get busy trying to have tooooo much fun some new way.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's working now. I don't know what I did wrong. And also it's been 20 minutes, so I have forgotten exactly what I was going to say. Glad you had a good day!!
