
Battle of Decatur


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 9-3-2022

We were feeling decent this morning when we started the walking so we carried a water bottle in case we went farther than normal. And we did got farther than normal and needed the water. We carry about three decent drinks of water in an old soda water bottle in a pants leg pocket. Today the OFM used two of the drinks of water. The pace was brisk and the weather nice. Later in the day we had rain storms come through several times.

Everything was going well as we looped the golf course on the paved road for easy on the joints moving.

About half way through we came upon this four inch branch broke from a roadside tree. We were glad we were not there to feel the branch fall. The branch looked to be in good shape and we could not guess what brought it down.

On down the road a bit we came upon this old tree that had come down across the road from the looks of all the debris. Apparently someone recently shoved it to the side of the road. Then it dawned on the OFM that one of the wind storms must have been strong enough to knock the trees down. We were very glad to have missed the events.

Late afternoon the OFM was sleeping very comfortably when the sound of artillery and rifles sound off close to the Castle. We stuck close to the mattress for a bit before we remembered that the Battle for Decatur Reenactment was today.

So we laid in bed to listen to the battle from a comfortable spot. The cannons were especially loud. After a half hour it was over and we went to the golf driving range where it was all scheduled to happen.

The reenactment camp was closed down due to the rain storm. But it should be open tomorrow to visit.

The battery of cannons was on the other side of the golf range and they pointed right toward the campsite we occupied. No wonder it was so loud in our bedroom.

Then to top off the day to be even better we got a call that my Angel, his wife and the grands were in the area and wanted to know if we wanted to get together for supper. Good grief YES. So we got to end the day with the grands and their parents having a decent NOT-home cooked meal .

And that is an excellent way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Just the noise to wake up to if you've ever been in a war. Glad you had such a nice ending to the day.....

  2. Having a quiet day looked like a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your meal.

    It's about time.
