
Update On OFM Troubles


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 9-23-2022

Ok here is the current short story. The OFM's son and family is doing a fantastic job of caring for the OFM way better than the OFM deserves.

Due to head injuries from falls in the last three months and OLD AGE, the OFM is having serious troubles seeing and at times memory. In the near future he will be having two eye surgeries of not defined yet type. Test yet to be finished. The OFM Adventures will be down for probably another month before the OFM can run amuck taking pictures and making up stories. Updating the blog on the OFM status is planned but he has to recover enough to do an update.

You folks have to take up the slack for running wild and trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. So what you're saying is that you want us to run-amuck while you can't. OK, but my mom better not find out!

    BTW 90 year old Mom just had eye surgery and is doing great and very pleased with the results, so see-ya (better!) later.

  2. Congratulations to her. I do not have any fear of the surgery at all. Just wanted to be sure it was the right thing to do. I know now that it is basically cataract surgery with some torn spot stitching somewhere, as best as I can understand.

  3. Hang in there.... I think the power of positive thought cannot be overlooked! I'm thinking positive thoughts for you...

  4. So sorry to read this, Barney. Old age has a way of interfering with many of us having too much fun. Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers, and hopefully it won't be too long before you're almost good as new.

  5. Thank you for all the good thoughts. I am not down at all but relieved to find out the trouble and be in a good place to get me repaired.

  6. You are in the best place possible to have all the surgeries. We will wait to hear intermittently on how you are doing. Not to worry, I will keep you updated with my blog....Alaska one coming next. Take good care.

    1. Folks, Julie has an interesting blog. Click on her name to find your way to it.

  7. Do appreciate your letting us know what's going on. Your always upbeat outlook is a good thing. You KNOW I'll be watching for updates, and hoping it's smooth sailing for you from now on.

  8. Additionally I loaded a MS program that took out all my saved email addresses. Later I will try to rebuild that data set again.

  9. OK then. Well. If it's just basically cataract surgery, as I believe I mentioned to you before, you're going to love the results. I sure did. Only one good eye, so when I had it done, I was very scared. But amazed me the next day. As for the repair of the tear, depends if it's the cornea or retina or somewhere else as to how tedious it will be. (I think. I'm just going on vague information acquired from vague sources in the past.) I suspect the memory thing will just take time....evidently your brain (what there is of it, haha) got joggled pretty good. I will be hoping for the best for you and an easy time of it. Amazing how 10 seconds can change your life for the coming months. Will be checking to see any news of you, and counting on it being good.

    1. I know for sure from the new information that I have been completely wrong for all my life in how the eyeball mechanically works. It is a mechanical design marvel.

  10. Hello Barney, I always try to look for the silver lining in things and in this case, if it was going to happen, it is somewhat of a blessing it happened while you were in Alabama instead of someplace out in the middle of nowhere. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

  11. Sending a ton of hugs for a quick and full recovery from Froggi Donna!

    1. Oh what a nice surprise to hear from you Froggi. Thank you very much. It has been a long time since we crossed paths in Livingston Tx if I remember correctly. I will be getting back on regular reading of your blog because it is a very enjoyable blog. If a reader would like a treat, click on her name in the header and follow the leads to nice reading..

    2. Yes, that was it. Way back in 2008 when I had just started full-timing. A lot has happened to us both since then. I still follow your blog but rarely comment (on anyone's). Thanks for the nod to my blog!

    3. Your blog deserves a big nod in my opinion.
