
Highway Test


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 9-1-2022

The OFM had a pretty good day today. The morning walk in cool air turned into a bit over 3 miles. We got one picture of the fishing hole where I have seen the most fish caught in the park.

We spent some time visiting a few folks and had some fun conversations. The drive over to Lawlers for lunch convinced the OFM it was time to try his luck on busy roads and the big highways. So we went over to the grandkids house for a few minutes. It is about a 45 minute drive over to north of Huntsville Al. We did well but also learned where we need to look more carefully with the damaged eye.

Back home tonight the OFM decided on pinto beans and boiled chicken. It turned into some very good stOUP. A lot closer to soup than stew. Here is the first grab of ingredients,

Next we noticed bits and pieces of things in the refrigerator and they started jumping into the pot. Pretty soon we had a two liter pot full of stoup cooking. It looked good on the table as you can see here.

It left us enough for two more meals. Some tortillas are planned to add to the next meal.

After the discussions with the OFM's son and his wife we think that if the OFM eyes allow it we will roll on south again this year after the right eye heals enough to be reliable. That time point will not likely happen until in October some time.

In the meantime we will be working locally on trying to have tooooo much fun.

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