
Three Nice Visits


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 9-29-2022

The OFM had a BAD start this morning again. But this morning he paid careful attention to things and noted that when he had his late morning snack he soon was feeling better. So tomorrow he will be eating a larger breakfast and see what evolves.

However the late morning was great. We met a lady named Laura on the trail who was taking care of Biscuit the pup we told you about. This morning we met at the head of the walking trail to walk together and visit. Well the OFM was too weak to walk but we sat at some picnic tables had a wonderful long conversation about the adventures we have had in living. She had some really wonderful adventures to learn about. The OFM is hoping we can meet again and share some more stories. She is a very pleasant person to visit.

Later after lunch in town the OFM stopped in Hobby Lobby to kill some daylight and struck up a nice conversation with a lady roaming the aisles like the OFM. She and her husband are about to be full time Rvers between the rv here in Decatur and a house down near a town at a beach that the OFM forgets. After several minutes of very pleasant talking to her something was said that let us find out they are actually staying in the same campground as the OFM Teams. Wow what a coincidence that was.

Then as the OFM was rounding the next corner he bumped baskets with another lady that was shopping in the store and we ended up talking about things that happen to older folks around Decatur and the area. She and the OFM had a nice long conversation on lots of subjects. Eventually we called it quits and went our own ways. The OFM sure had a great day of visiting with folks he had never met before and that is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I'm so glad you had a pretty good day visiting. Talking with people tends to take your mind off whatever might be troubling you. Hopefully you'll meet up with some of them again and have more chats. And. I wish you a good day tomorrow.

    1. Laura and I both like the same walking trail and walk almost the same speed. She is a lot younger and slightly faster than me. Nice lady for sure.

  2. That's why frozen foods are last to be picked in the grocery store. If not, the ice cream would melt due to the visiting. lol
