
Good Big News


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-17-2022

We got in some nice walking today and it was just right for warm walking. A little cooler might have been better but we did not complain. A critical point first thing tonight is that the big Rockport Art mess is July 4 weekend.

The Rockport Beach Park was a crowded pile of humanity all day today so we did only one look through the place. Here is some of the boats just boating around in Little Bay this afternoon.

Then the OFM turned around an took this shot of the Beach Area and all the vehicles on the side of the road away from the beach area. Wow quite a pile of humanity.

Basically we stayed away from the crowds and did a lot of cleaning and shedding clutter.

What is happening is that the Castle is carefully having unneeded things removed and given or thrown away. We filled about half a dumpster today with things we used to use a lot. You know the gadgets etc that accumulate when you are yakking or biking or whatever on a regular basis. We also consolidated a lot of art stuff since we know that certain types of art will not be continued. For example we will not be doing acrylic or oil painting so all the stuff for those efforts are not in the Castle anymore.

BIG NEWS is that we were able to get a reservation in grandkid Alabama for July 8 arrival so we now have to put the plan together and execute it to arrive on that day. BUT there is a chance we will be able to get a long term spot during our two week stay to allow us to stay until late October when it starts getting colder and it is time to roll south and west anyway. In other words we have gotten very fortunate.

Now we have to begin our planning for the colder weather of the year. Where shall we meander from October through December 2022 is a good question? We have a lot of pent up trying to have tooooo much fun yet to be used up.


  1. Planning ahead for your upcoming travels is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy the cleaner Castle.

    It's about time.

    1. Yes it is. Summer on the Texas coast is hot and miserable in my 65 summers on the Texas coast have educated me
