Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Pitcher Plants and Stars


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-7-2022

Click the picture to enlarge it

The morning was decent with the OFM having a bit of pain in the foot but nothing Ibuprofen did not solve quickly. So we skipped the exercise walk and just went to Walmart to do a bit of shopping. It turned out to be a good idea because some restocking had happened and a couple of things on the shopping list had be put out on the shelves. And the foot loosened up during the moving around and quit having any pain at all. So over all it was a success.

A little bit of riding around the Harbor proved the day was a cold, damp gray day.

So we went home and did art things most of the day until after supper tonight the OFM declared this painting finished. By the way, in answer to a question, almost all of the paintigs are either 5x7 or 4x6. There is not room in the Castle for paintings much bigger than that so we do what fits the situation and the medium being used. In our case usually colored pencils.

So here is Pitcher Plants and Stars for your amusement.

It was a fun painting and only took about five days of scribbling with the pencils to finish it. But once again we found that doing the art work is a great way for the OFM to try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Good news on the foot! A productive day spite of the weather. Your paintings are small, because they need to be, but they would all translate to larger formats, which is kind of interesting to think about. Sometimes small ones don't.

  2. Fun to do and fun to see. Thanks, OFM.
    Nice detail on the flowers.

  3. I love that picture, You are truly talented. The best to you this new year. Travel safe.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. Have you seen pitcher plants. They are so cool. When I was a botanist on the Monongahela NF in West Virginia, we had a couple of very special bogs that had these plants, but there were so many people who wanted to go see them that they eventually had to be protected. I like your picture, especially the shading.

  5. I have seen them in several swamps during my meanderings.
