Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Dodging Covid Crowds


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-22-2022

Cold and not nice outside this morning but the OFM got out of bed anyhow. Since we were up early a trip to Walmart was made during the lack of folks time to avoid as much flu stuff as possible. We had a successful shopping spree and were back home before many other folks went outside to enjoy the cold.

Along about noon the mail truck came in and stopped at the office and left a wad of mail. It was a miracle but the last late package we have been waiting on came today and only two weeks late. But the stuff was in excellent shape.

By noon the weather was a lot warmer, not warm but warmer. So the OFM meandered around a bit looking at RV parks. The Covid situation down at Falcon Lake is not so good right now, but the State Park is almost totally empty of campers due to not having any boat access to the lake for now. The lake is way lower than the bottom of the boat ramps and no launching of power craft can happen. We have another 8 days before we have to make a decision of what to do move or not move.

As it worked out the afternoon was spent working on a painting and enjoying it tremendously. The goal of the painting is to do the whole painting with watercolor pencils and see how the OFM likes using them in this manner. So far no great like or dislike has taken the lead. Like all the other art stuff, each medium seems to have its major pluses and nuisance negatives.

Now we need to rest up for getting busy tomorrow and working hard at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Ha. Yes, early on a cold morning is a good time to avoid the crowds. Glad nothing froze up down there. I forgot to leave my kitchen faucet dripping, so had a close call yesterday, but sputtering and brown/black water for a second developed into no problem with clear, running water. That last is one of my favorite things in the the house from a faucet, or outside in a stream....or in a Gulf of Mexico. Glad you had a good time painting. I did like the long skinny format of yesterday's.

    1. We have not had a freezing night this winter YET. But Rockport seldom gets to freezing for more than a couple of hours due to all the salt water around us keeping things warm. But it does often get to 34F with a strong wet wind.

  2. Looks like your busy day with its early start was made not only to keep you safe but to help you have tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. We do the same thing as far as avoiding crowds and shopping when the stores open. This morning's temp is five below. Don't plan to go out today. Be interesting to see you watercolor pencil - are they considered paintings of drawings? Stay safe.
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. Paintings or drawings? Even "oil paintings" have a lot of drawing involved in them. My research on the internet says the answer to your question is yes.
