Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Sierra Shoe


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-13-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

When the Teams great Leader OFM came awake this morning it was about 0800 and light, chilly and drizzling outside. WOW that made for the exciting day we had. After the milk and cereal breakfast, the OFM sat at the do everything table and tried to organize us some.

A good thing was got started on a “have to get done” list before we roll. Remember with OFM Adventures rig we do not have to know where we are going when we roll.

The drizzle reminded us that Sierra needed new wiper blades. Then the OFM recalled the sorry condition the right front tire was in. So we made an appointment at Craigs to get a new tire. Then we hit Walmart with the rolling event the topic of the shopping. That turned out to be good because the wiper blades were in stock and came home with us. A couple of odds and ends joined the merry group. Back at the Castle the OFM got out his umbrella and went to work on the wiper blades. The hardest part is that Sierra is taller than the OFM and he has to work off a foot stool we got just for these occasions. But we got the job done in the drizzle, so another item is out of the way.

Then it was time to get the new shoe for Sierra. Craigs was punctual as usual and we soon were $225 lighter but had also gotten some important info on the brakes being well and ready to roll also. Isn't this new shoe sexy.

Later in the afternoon we took some excess art stuff to our friend Patsy and visited with her and Don for a while. Patsy asked if the OFM had wet a line today and the OFM said nope. However on the way home, the OFM decided the weather was cleared enough to get in a walk. So we headed for the Beach Park.

When we got Sierra parked, the OFM looked over at the fishing pier and decided to give it a try. The end result in fifteen minutes of fishing was three speckled trout. A 14”, a 17” and an 18”.

That was enough fishing and away we went on a late afternoon walk around the Beach Park.

Back home we did a bit of computer work and read a few blogs and then it was supper time. Things worked out really well for tonight's supper. Check out this beauty

Chicken breast, Potatoes and Asparagus with BBQ sauce lightly dribbled on it all. Beverage is hot decaf green tea.

It was fantastic. AND a wonderful way of finishing off a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Were any of those trout keepers? I guess I could look up legal lengths, but I won't. If one was, how come you didn't have it for supper? Just curious.

    1. The two larger ones were legal to keep.

      Since I just fish as a quick stop while doing other things, I do not carry around all the pile of stuff needed for keeping fish safe to eat. Twenty minutes at a location is about the maximum I stay in one spot. And I may not head home for a few more hours.

    2. So you are a flash fisherman! Spurts. I have a friend who before he gets too decrepit, would like to go surf fishing, as he has the gear. But he would also like to camp in a tent with his dog and do that, along with building a little campfire. I feel those times are perhaps long gone. Do you know any places where that is possible. I've done a bit of online research today, but it's questionable. (You have access to my email I suspect, so since this is a question of little interest to most people, feel free to use it if you have a response.)

  2. Nice catch! Wondering which lures you used. My guess is either Kastmasters or Johnson spoons?

    1. 3 inch Storm Wild Eyed Shad in Pearl 98% of the time for all my fishing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Just picked up a 3-pack. If they don't work then we know it's not the bait!

    4. They require a slightly jerky but steady retrieve like like a mullet or other small bait fish running away. No crawling the bottom stuff. Be sure to retrieve it near the top, then mid level and ALMOST bumping the bottom. At a jetty of rocks, run them about four to eight feet out and parallel to the rocks. Needle sharp hooks really helps my hookup rate. Mono needs a decent hook set due to the stretch, braid is pretty much self setting on the hookup due to the lack of stretch.

    5. I have no idea how they work in the surf. I fish fresh and salt with them. They really attract white bass. Parts of the year when the toothy critters are running, I use a 6 inch wire leader. The lure repairs really well with superglue.

    6. I really appreciate your input. If there is trout in the first gut this should work. I also fish the jetty and this weekend I'll try them in the Guadalupe at Lake McQueeney if the weather permits. I was planning to be at MISP this week but got too lazy to do the prep. Weather looks pretty nice! Enjoy.

  3. Just one tire needed replacing? Unusual in my experience unless there is (or was) a problem with the front end.

    1. The last year has been a bad year for road hazards for all four of Sierra's tires.

  4. Have you ever tried BBQ sauce in green tea?

  5. Great to get those tir4es replaced and brakes checked. Gives a feeling of comfort. My, I think you've found your breakfast, lunch and dinner. FISH!
