
The Choice Is Made


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-27-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

The day was nice and WARM today with fairly clear skies. An afternoon walk was fun and pleasant for the Teams. We made the walk a nice brisk one with stops for several photo opportunities taken. But the heart rate was still elevated to join the breathing rate. In other words it was aerobic which is good. Quite a few folks were out and about making it a nice day full of Howdies. We like that.

We have been walking past this tree for fourteen years and today was the first time we noticed that the tree is a sitting tree.

What is a sitting tree you may ask! It is a tree shaped just right to sit on and rest a moment. Look carefully at this close up and you can see the light brown areas where the bark is worn down some from folks sitting on the horizontal section of the trunk.

Not too far past the sitting tree we spotted another thick spider web covering the end of a partially rotted stub of a limb of old. That web is really thick it seems. Naturally if we paid attention there are several more less significant ones scattered in the trees.

Now scrutinize this picture carefully.

It is a pic of the OFM's shoe holding the new padded internal sole to help the OFM walk better. He only gets about three months per new sole before his feet CRY for a new one. This is a “work boot” inner sole from Walmart and immediately that we put it into use, the difference was fantastic. We finished the whole mile and a half with NO PAIN for a change. Hopefully the OFM can remember which sole it was next time.

And last tonight, thank you to the readers that helped with comments about the new feature coming about paintings. There is one painting in progress at this time. The Teams voted to do the reporting on the stages of a painting and the final painting in a single blog when the painting is completed as most folks requested. We are very sure there will be adjustments to the reports as our experience grows. However it sounds to us like it could be a lot of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I have never seen cobwebs that thick. Hmmm. Maybe someone knows about them. Do you?

    1. I have only seen these thick ones in this park. Nope no more knowledge for me yet. Hit up the Internet and find out for us all.

    2. I wondered if it was some type of cocoon?

  2. Maybe just go buy another pair of those awesome insoles now so you don't have to remember which ones to get in March.

    1. That is my usual style but this was the only ones available today. I will be checking the stores each time I am in one until another pair shows up.
