
Natural Pictures


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-26-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

Our first outing this morning was to the beach park to check the crowds. And there were plenty of crowds there, but less new toys out in the water since the wind was significant.

The wind was enough of a nuisance that the Teams voted to head over to the more protected Memorial Park. It turned out to be a great idea. The wind was gentle down in the trees and only a very few folks were out at the time we got there.

The OFM was in a funk when we started and the Teams kept trying to kick the funk out of him with no luck. At the first turn this crowd of flowers cheered him on and brought a smile to his face so big it lasted all day.

We walked the trail counterclockwise today for no good reason but the lighting turned out to be wonderful for pictures of natural places. One example is the cobwebs in the fissures of the bark of this Live Oak next to the paved trail. We are likely the only folks to notice them as they walked next to them on the trail.

Cobwebs in tree fissures

At another spot we encountered two really pretty flower buds happening and that made the OFM smile even more. We tried to do a painting of another one similar to this one a few weeks ago with very limited success. The OFM's inability does not interfere with this bud natural beauty in our opinion.

Who knows he may try another bud when he learns more about painting flowers.

And a normally not all that scenic spot along the trail we have noticed many times and passed up, today had the sunlight just right to make it a completely different view than normally. Just goes to show you that lighting can make a world of difference.

After some thought on the unfinished painting progress concept, we decided to present an unfinished painting in steps toward the finished painting as the steps occur. Our other thought was to collect a set of pictures of the unfinished painting steps during the course of the painting. Then do a blog entry showing them all in sequence through the final painting. If our wonderful readers have a preference or another suggestion please chime in with help. Think of it as helping the OFM try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Hmmm. I don't know. If you present the progress one day or so at a time, that would be suspenseful, but if you present them all at once, that might be more instructive. I dunno. I'd like it either way. Big help, right?
    Your taking an alternate route was rewarding. Light is always interesting.
    OK. Where's that water in the header photo. Not near you at present in the flat, flat land.

    1. That picture was taken at the end of the short jetty on the south end of the Rockport Beach Park. I am camped in Quiet One rv park about 1.7 miles from and a half mile inland from the photo location. You can see all of that on Google map.

    2. Ohhh. I thought it was a creek or a river. Sheesh. Thanks for letting me know.

  2. I think one entry with all pictures would be great.

  3. If you ask me having flowers during the last week of the year is a great thing!

    I think the all at once way is a good one.

  4. I say whatever is easiest. Having your camera sitting there and occasionally pick it up to record the progress as you go will be easy enough to do. Maybe as you do it the order you display them might present itself. Guess I don't have a preference, just like to see your effort & artistic ability grow.

    That little bud sure does have the highlights easy to see & may be fun to redo.

    1. Thank you for your input. My artistic abilities should be pretty good in about three centuries if I keep progressing at the current rate. But the having fun rate is really high.
