
Small Flower


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-21-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

As we went to looking about the Tule trail, we discovered that on 1-1-21 the OFM Adventures did a blog entry on the trail with decent pictures. That will be the place for folks to find more info and pictures on the Tule Hike and Bike Trail.

While sitting at the do everything table eating breakfast this morning, the outside weather was creating a nice scene of the campground entry. This was taken from inside the campground. It seems to be a pretty scene to the OFM.

Our first day of winter was a nice one with a bit of a chill in the early morning and late evening. In between it was tee shirt weather. The afternoon walk at the beach park was just right in a tee shirt. This picture of the way lots of folks were spending their first day of winter in Rockport is actually a fairly common scene most of the winter.

The clouds this evening were really pretty colors to go with the incredible blue sky as the sun was setting.

A good bit of the day was spent with the OFM working on getting started on the next painting. He finally finished the last one and here it is for all to giggle at.

That painting is mostly water color pencil with a few small details done with colored pencil. It still seems to the OFM that water color and colored pencils make a great team for producing nice artwork and trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. The first day of winter looks great OFM. Beautiful red flower.
