
Don't Forget Your Drugs!


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-5-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it.

The morning sun was strong coming through the trees and the humidity drenched Castle window. We had a nice vegetables and scrambled eggs breakfast and headed to the Beach Park in hopes of a good walk this morning. We parked Sierra in the usual spot close to the rest rooms and looped around to the far side of the saltwater swimming area. The sun and birds were waiting for us to get there to take this picture.

The OFM was not having a great time of it so we headed back to the parking lot with Sierra in it.

We looped the lot a couple of more times and decided the OFM was getting an easy day today.

Back at the Castle we spent most of the day painting on the latest painting and waiting for some stuff we ordered to arrived. It never did. But we did get a lot of work in on the painting.

Suddenly the OFM realized he had not taken his normal one tablet of ibuprofen before bed last night and also forgot the normal one tablet this morning. Sure enough about thirty minutes after taking the single tablet this evening his body is doing really well but we had to wait for the package that did not come.

The result is we finished the painting with lots of difficulty. We made the painting really difficult by testing if things we read on the Internet were true or not. We were using paper the manufacturer said was OK for colored pencil use but not recommended. It wasn't by a long way. We were using a new to us brand of colored pencil, Faber-Castell Goldfaber and they handle considerably differently than our normal Prismacolor. They do well but have their own particulars. By the time we decided the paper just flat would not work for us and figured out how to work with the new pencils, the painting was finished.

We feel that the painting concept is a good one and needs to be done on the correct paper with pencils that the “artist” can actually handle a little bit at least.

Expect to see this sort of scene again in 2022 done on the proper paper . We expect that it will be a good one for trying again and having tooooo much fun at the same time.


  1. Wow! I think of all the paintings you have posted, that one is my favorite! And yet you say it's the wrong paper? Could have fooled me!

  2. Will love to see a comparison of the same subject on different paper.
    Your learning is enjoyable to watch. Thanks Barney.

  3. I do like the bright yellow of the cactus flower against pink. I definitely see improvement from the last one. Take those you can have too much fun! xo
