
Crevice Cleaning


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-18-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

Tuesday is a special day for the world. It is the shortest daylight day of the year. Wednesday we start getting longer days and for that the OFM is giving out a great big YAHOOOOY.

Some rain awakened the OFM this morning. It was not hard rain but enough to cancel the idea of going walking outdoors. He decided it was a crevice cleaning morning. The Castle is only 20 ft by 7.5 feet but it has 3793.24981 feet of crevices in it. A crevice is anywhere two surfaces join and a trickle of dirt can accumulate.

This is the main tools for the job. Shop vacuum, tooth brush, bowl of water.

Below is a picture of the aisle into the bedroom. That is the bed top left. On your left is the end of the sofa. Straight ahead is one of the cloths closets.

All that has to happen is the OFM manages to get down to the floor gently enough to survive the effort, the tooth brush is wetted and rubbed

along the crevice until all the debris is removed. Then the wet /dry vacuum sucks any remnants up leaving a clean few inches.

Repeat the process until all the crevices are cleared of debris. No big deal right. Tell the OFM's joints that after forty get ups and downs.

It was pretty well complete when it was time to head out for lunch. Then on the way back the storm due in today had made it to Rockport. We rolled down to the beach park to check out the arrival.

That cloud is going away from us in that picture. Now we are have severe winter nights for the next three nights with temps in the mid forties. BRRRRRRRR.

A cute item to mention that has worked out extremely well is the container we use to hold pencil shavings when sharpening the art pencils. It is an old bean dip can, The plastic top was saved and glued to the bottom of the can. The wide mouth of it is wonderful and it holds about four sessions of pencil work on a painting.

We finished our day with a stir fry, scrambled eggs, and hot chocolate for supper. 

Then while working on the computer tonight it is sip some hot decaf green tea time. It is a fine way to finish off a great day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Ni e to get those crevices clean. That is the first time I've heard of your dinner choice 😀. I'll take that mid forty over my mid twenty and night.
