Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Salad Details


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-19-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

Ok Cathie, by request here is what was put in tonight's salad supper.

Baby Greens Salad Mix from Walmart:



Lettuce Blend

Baby Greens Blend


Then the OFM added

Poached spiced chicken breast sliced bite size

Black Olives

Salad Tomatoes


Topped with Honey Mustard salad dressing

and cheap Root Beer to drink.

While doing a bit of meandering around after lunch just to see what was going on during the cold and occasional drizzle of rain, we saw this great supply of aluminum tubing just waiting for a multi-medium artist to harvest it. Or maybe a pack rat like the OFM used to be. At his best he could rebuild a nuclear reactor with the spare parts in his closet.

The indoor time brought about by the nasty weather gave the OFM a chance to finish a colored pencil sketch he has been piddling with for several months. Check it out.

Supposedly tomorrow we will receive a good re-supply of colored pencils that should hold us for several months during our winter and spring travels.

On top of that reservations were made for us to move at the first of the new year to our frequent area down in south Texas close to Falcon Lake. It is nice being warm down there in the winter. Yep tee shirt and shorts during winter is RIGHT for the Teams. It sounds like winter might be a bit busy this year. That will be great for our goal of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I keep forgetting to comment about the fine photo of the fishing net....So you're off then in a bit to warmer climes. Is the the same place you went last year? Well, wherever, I look forward to reading about it and seeing it.

  2. It is the same area. I do not normally stay in one spot the whole time.

  3. I recognize that pile of farmer's market type tent frames.
    This is what happens when big gusts of wind ruin the party.
    Hopefully they didn't lose too much merchandise and no one
    got hurt. I enjoyed all your photos today, Barney. Thanks.

    1. Yep that storm I reported on did a good job of wrecking things at the monthly market there.

  4. Tee shirt and shorts weather in the winter is the way to go!

  5. Love the drawing Pointing the Way. Hopefully great weather further south. We're finally getting back to 70.😄
