Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Bush Alligator


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-17-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

Sure enough another day of things unplanned. The morning came at just the right time and the OFM got up and busy right away. Now THAT was a major change.

The walk was at the Memorial Park with no expectations of fancy photos at all. But during the walk we ran into a couple and their dog that we had not seen for over a year. The twenty minute gab fest was very nice and enjoyable. The dog petting was pretty nice also. As it turned out the OFM took plenty of photos of natural things to put in the files for references. Here is an example of a leaf mottled by fall changes that we not have in the examples of leaves files.

Another place had this ”grass” that makes some pretty pictures depending on the sun angle and brightness and wind. It eventually turns into a multi brown colored plant as fall goes forward.

As we passed a spot where the foliage is allowed to grow close to the walk, the OFM jumped back a bit when he noticed this scene in the light of this morning. At first the OFM thought it was a large lizard head near us. But later tonight while reviewing the pictures, the OFM thought it looked more like an alligator stretched out on the bushes. Personally we think that he lets his imagination get in his way at times.

Back at the Castle this afternoon the OFM set to do some “in depth vacuuming” but when we looked for our vacuum accessories they were no where to be found. So he hopped into Sierra and high tailed it to Lowes and purchased a new one. So tomorrow he will have no excuse for not vacuuming the Castle.

So there you have it. Another tough day in the life of an OFM just trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Oh no! You've reminded me that it's time for me to vacuum also 🥺🥺

  2. While you are vacuuming you'll probably find the attachments.
    Well that's my luck- especially if I've replaced them.
    Have a good day!
