
Sentry Gull

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-02-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The incredibly beautiful day was cool during the morning walk. Then it warmed up to the high 60‘s and became a day of our dreams.  However the fish were not biting the OFM’s offers. 

Meandering was the main fun of the day and we found a few neat things and best of all got several new ideas for meanderings to accomplish and report about.

As for today the walk was only a mile and a half due to the OFM legs wobbling him a bunch. We stopped the forced marching when we looped back by Sierra.  It turned out to be a good idea to rest the OFM legs a bit more today.

Since forced marches were out of the picture now, the OFM started the serious meander. The damaged Christmas decorations we reported from the storm a couple of days ago have all been repaired and more scenes have been added.  It is looking like it might turn our pretty nice.

The beach park maintenance folks are busy doing the annual “fill the low spots” effort in the parking/vehicle access areas.

That particular tractor/truck combination had a heron supervising them moving the oyster shell around. It tended to follow the loaded truck to where it dumped the oyster shell and closely inspect the shell when the truck left. Then the heron would return to the shell piles area to check the next load going out.

Back at the large parking lot near the wooden pier is several covered picnic tables. One of the covers had this solitary seagull on it watching over the area.

The other couple of hundred gulls were wandering around on the pavement waiting for one of the usual vehicles to stop by with illicit food for the gulls. All it takes is one gull feeding trip and your vehicle become the color of gull discharges.  Car wash businesses love sea gull flocks.

It was unusual to have a solitary gull on the roofs around this area, so we watched for a bit to see what was going on. The seagull stayed there for over ten minutes watching the flocks on the pavement. 

It appears that the new watercolor pencils are actually going to be here tomorrow instead of today as predicted by Fedex.  We will be ready to enjoy them during the severe winter weather we will soon be getting. We do have a few indoor things lined up for trying to have tooooo much fun in the warm dry indoors. 

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