
A New RV Boondocker

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-11-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was not an exciting day but it was a full of events sort of day. We started out with a fishing attempt that turned into a couple of hours of helping a lady learn more about travel trailers and boondocking. Didi was a very nice lady and seemed to be the just right sort to really enjoy the RV life.

A kayaker was working his way around the open bay when the cloudy overcast let a little sun shine to the water. We were lucky enough to catch a nice photo of the event.

And that was all the pictures taken.   Even on the 1.5 mile walk at Memorial Park the OFM did not notice any more pictures needing to be taken. That is an odd happening for him in that area. But it was a shortened walk since the OFM was not feeling just wonderful.

Then we were informed that the Rockport Beach Park vehicle entry pass was going to DOUBLE for non-Rockport resident folks to $40 on January 1,  2021. We will buy the 2021 pass soon while we can buy it for the usual $20 a year.

Then in the late evening the OFM went next door to meet our neighbor and help him with some diagnostics on his trailer.  He is a very nice young man and is talking with the Air Force about a military career. We think he could be a good career person.

And that is how some days keep you busy when you are trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. And the photo of the day qualifies for one of the best. The subtle ray of light coming down, the little boat, and the light on the water. Just fine. Very fine.
