
Research Vessel

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-07-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Texas Parks and Wildlife has a biology lab here at the Rockport Marina. They do all sorts of good work toward protecting and enhancing our outdoors natural assets. The OFM has had the pleasure of dealing with occasional folk from the lab. They are always ready to help.

They maintain a small fleet of research vessels. On this day the OFM was able to get a couple of pictures of one of the fleet. Apparently they can do netting and take bottom, air and water samples as a minimum of their efforts. We do know that it is a very busy building and port.

Here is a side view of one of the research vessels. This was taken from a favorite fishing spot on a finger dock near the laboratory. 

We were lucky enough to be able to walk around the education building and get a good picture of the same boat from the stern. 

You can see one of the nets they use hanging at the ready.  The open deck gives room for all sorts of stuff to be sorted.  Then the deck is easily washed down to keep the boat ready for another activity.

Meandering around and finding all the neat stuff in Rockport is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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