
Keep Mouth Shut

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Adventure Date: 12-18-2020

As Rick mentioned on his comment yesterday, the OFM is hitting a sparse time for blog material. We are not even contemplating stopping blogging but it is a smart blogger when the blogger realizes that sometimes he needs to just be quiet when he has nothing to say.  So don’t worry the old fool that makes a used peanut shell look smart will be back when he has something to say about trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I'm no expert in such matters, but It sounds to me like you need a road trip and a new view. You can only squeeze so much adventure out of a well-worn path.


  2. I've admired the way you've been able to make simple meanderings have great meaning all while having tooooo much fun. I know how hard it is to inspire yourself to write about it sometimes.
    Be Safe and Enjoy a trip to town. There's bound to be lots to write about there.

    It's about time.

  3. We are all stuck in a big deep rut, that's for sure. Something I would like to see is the various fishing lures you use when trying to catch different kinds of fish, and pictures of where you fish, the different piers and such.

    1. Over the course of the blog all that information has been presented. However it is a nice idea to consolidate it into just a couple of entries. Thank you.

  4. KCD is right. What makes you think our lives are so exciting these days? My wish is that this pandemic is changing all of us; one way in particular might be that we're coming down from the rush of having to constantly be entertained at such a high level. Maybe we can get back to more realistic human interaction. Let's enjoy those deep, days-long conversations about sourdough bread. Or stoup recipes. With the demise of my knees, I like to check and see how far you've walked, and Lord help me I enjoy hearing about the days when you, like me, simply can't. Schadenfreude, I guess. Birds, flowers, rocks, a different terrain and climate and culture -- and many more subjects (newborn interest in art) are all topics of immense interest. I liked your reviewing past trips. I could go on. But please don't abandon us now, when we all need the conversations so very much more!

  5. As I said above "We are not even contemplating stopping blogging ". The good news is that by 1100 this morning I have had at least three adventures to report. And KCD above gave us a great idea for another blog on fishing.

  6. As for me, I am always interested in what people have had to eat that day. VERY small time stuff. But we all do it. Every day. Day in, day out. Come rain, come shine.
    Great adventures do not always make a great blog post. Or as the say in textdom, IMHO.
