
Cool Morning

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-09-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The bright sun and cool air slapped us around a bit this morning. The OFM was ready to walk early with his knee high socks to resist the chill in the wet air at the beach. The beauty of the morning was not wasted since we managed to get a nice picture. The beach was silently waiting for its first guest of the day when the OFM finally took the picture. And here it is in all its morning beauty.

As we meandered out onto the wooden pier the sun and water were coordinating lots of neat and dancing ripples in the very shallow water. We watched for a little while when the camera mentioned that maybe some other folks might like to see the light show. Good idea.

A bit farther along on the pier we spotted this set of critter trails down in the wet sand. There was not critters at the end of any of the trails so we still do not know what made the trails. This was only a small area of the trails. Lots more trails were running all over the shallow wet sand below us on the pier. It was a game of guess who did what.

Late in the morning after the nice walk around the area we saw this fellow trying to gain control of his paddle board. After watching him and the balancing act for a good while, we were happy to see him make it back to shore safely. The OFM definitely does not have the balance required to play with a toy of that sort.

However we bet it would be a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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