
Nice Surprise

 Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12-26-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Out for a look around this afternoon to see what was going on, we got a nice surprise. We met several nice folks to visit over the course of the day and had a grand time overall.

First thing we noticed was the very low water level in Little Bay. Usually this bench is close to the water but today it was a good ways up from the water line. However the warm temperatures and gentle breezes made it a nice place to rest if you were tired.

Off to the left of the picture above was a wade fisherman working the edge of the artificial reef that was put in several years ago to help protect the shore line. It did a good job of that during Hurricane Harvey.  The water is not warm but not real cold either.  We did not see this fisherman catch a fish during the few minutes we observed him. We do know from personal experience he was in a good location.

When we got ready to go into the Beach Park, it had a long line at the entrance. When we got our turn to show our pass to Miki, the attendant, she asked the Teams to stop back by when we were leaving. Certainly the OFM told her. She is always good for a laugh or four. We “patrolled” the roads in the park for another good photo for the blog tonight, but the place was full of folks having fun. We really enjoy it when folks come out to enjoy nice facilities like these are.

On the way out the OFM pulled into a parking slot and walked up to the kiosk to learn what Miki wanted.  She is a very nice lady so we knew it would be a wonderful event. Little did the OFM know how wonderful.

The OFM leaned against the ledge at the side window where we could talk to Miki between customers. She was on the job so it is CUSTOMERS FIRST.  When she had a few minutes break we exchanged pleasant words, then she handed the OFM a special present. “WOW” Check out this Snowman Soup.

Now that does sound very good doesn’t it. We thanked her for it with great enthusiasm. That certainly made my day.

It would be rather difficult to top this for a day of trying to have tooooo much fun. 

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