
World Class Whiner

Adventure Location: Decatur, Alabama
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The OFM hopped out of bed ready to roar and he did roar, but not like he planned.  His left knee was somewhat swollen and painful. We think it was a shallow hole he stepped in on the golf course yesterday that caused the trouble. He, once again, proved that he can be the biggest crybaby in the universe.

At least he did an intelligent thing and did not try to make a long walk this morning.  Instead we went out to the other side of Huntsville to check out another campground. It is about as far NW of the grandkids as Point Mallard is SE.  It turned out to be a very nice place that would be very comfortable to camp there. The name is Sharon Johnston Park and it is located on the south side of New Market, Al. The area is VERY rolling crop land with big trees on the hills. Really was a pretty area.

When we returned to the Castle, the picnic table we were promised in a few days back in early May was at the campsite. Now the campsite has a place to sit besides the gravel roadbed. Mostly the OFM uses it to keep things out of the dirt and rocks. It is already nice to have so the OFM does not have to squat down to get his exercise weights up and use them.

Then our order for more new LED lights for the Castle arrived. A few months ago when we replaced the first incandescent lights, we noticed that some of the sockets were badly corroded.  That was likely from the salt air down on the coast for so many years. It is also not a safe thing to have happen. That incident has spurred the OFM on to replacing nearly all the interior lights with LED.

Most rigs we go in that put in LED lighting have not bothered to get the right size for illumination and the interiors are very dim. We got online and found out what the lumens rating for our old units was and made certain that the new lamps would put out a little more  than the old lamps. Boy do they ever put out the light. It made all the dirt on the floor that the OFM could not see before stand out in glaring detail.

The best news is that the day of light duty seems to have been just right therapy for that ancient left knee on the OFM. He says he is doing fine this evening and is ready to cause mayhem again.

 Well how about that! We are due over to the grand kids tomorrow before lunch for some romping and stomping and general misbehavior. We think that might end up being a great effort at trying to have tooooo much fun. 

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