
Hungry Pelicans

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
Adventure Date: 11/18/2018
Click the picture to enlarge it.

It was a nice morning but the afternoon was a wet one getting colder during the day. We had enough rain that the Castle is sitting in a rice paddy again. With the OFM’s legs acting up again today it was a treacherous skirmish  to make it to Sierra with dry feet.

A run around town to a couple of stores and the normal in town fishing locations was fun. No fish were being caught but these pelicans at the cleaning station were still hoping somebody would end up needing to clean some fish.

Back at the Castle listening to the rain fall was the afternoon and evening. The OFM busied himself with checking areas for our next location vs the weather normally in the area. What he wants is somewhere here in Texas that the nights get down to about 62 as a minimum. He will not find it but he keeps on wanting it. It could be interesting to see where he finally takes us.

In the meantime supper time rolled into town and the rain was pouring down so the OFM went into cooking mode. Simple cooking of course. A can of “chili” went into the pot. Actually just the contents went into the pot. The can went into the garbage. Then a can of sliced carrots. Then a can of baked beans with hickory flavoring. A half cup of water to make it all easier to stir. Over a medium flame until it boils because you fail to pay enough attention. Cut the flame way down and stir to mix the burned parts with the rest of it. The burned parts give it the special charred flavor. Put the lid on and let it cool to edible temperature.

And now you have a pot of supper ready to eat. And it was good. Feel free to give the concoction a name. We just called it food.

Yesterday’s blog entry requesting help was successful. Thanks to every one that responded. It will make things much easier when we are trying to have tooooo much fun in the cold weather.

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