
This and That

Adventure Location: GOVERNOR’S LANDING, Amistad NRA 
Adventure Date: 10/09/18
Click the picture to enlarge it.

It was a great boondocking night and the OFM slept very well. So well that he blasted wide awake at 0920 this morning. Consultations with the weather guessers gave us the decision to go ahead and leave for Rockport. So things were put in order and away we went for the long tow.

We had a few pictures left to talk about so tonight we are taking care of reporting those small adventures.

Their is a wide trail that goes to the water under the highway 90 bridge over Amistad. The OFM started down it just doing a great job of meandering when along comes Mom and two kids having fun. They hurried down to the water to get in some play time. 

The OFM noticed the black stain where the full lake water line would be. It is a good ways up there isn’t it.

Along the trail was hordes of flutterbys. We do not know if it is a butterfly or a moth but it is pretty coloring.

At another spot the OFM noticed that a tall grass stem had caught on a spider web. The wind was blowing pretty good but that spider web strand was standing up to the wind just fine. That was a very interesting picture to get while the wind was blowing strongly.

And last but far from least is this nice close up of a patch of thorns swaying in the breeze. 

Those are on a blackbrush plant and they are every bit as mean as they look. The Teams know first hand that playing in the blackbrush is not a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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