
Salty Sand

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX.
Adventure Date: 10/30/18
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Rummaging around on the beach sounded good this morning so off we went. A fresh full tank of gasoline was first on the agenda, then on to the ferry. The marsh flats we passed through seemed to be getting pretty close to back to normal after all the rain floods. Then the proclaimed 15 minute wait at the ferry came and went as we sat enjoying the sun and screeching seagulls for 25 minutes.

Our target for today was Mustang Island State Park beach to the north. It has been the location of many a wonderful beach combing in the past. The park is in serious disarray from Hurricane Harvey. They seem to have dismantled all the infrastructure and are doing a total revamp of the facilities. We guess they are at least a year from completion.

However the beaches are open for playing and we did some major playing. The roads are still a little rough as this picture of the entry to north beach shows.

Once you hit the beach a left turn is required and here is the playground in front of you.

The beach runs down to Fish Pass Jetties. Fish Pass filled in many years ago but the jetties make great fish attractors. They are also a great place to lose some skin when you fall. Here is a picture of the dunes behind the beach. They are fun to run around in and check for hidden treasures.

When we arrived at the Fish Pass jetties, Sierra got parked. Then the OFM climbed up on a dune to get a picture of Port Aransas on the other side of the pass.

The beach was somewhat barren but the OFM still found lots of ways to entertain himself. To our surprise he came away with all the same skin he arrived with. Tomorrow we will go into details because he is very sleepy from all the exercise he got trying to have tooooo much fun.

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