
Stillwell Evening

Adventure Location: Stillwell Ranch, TX
Adventure Date: 9/30/2018
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It was the evening before we headed out to the Davis Mountains. The OFM was still antsy so we meandered the campground and took lots of silly pictures, but here are four that were saved.

There were several catapillers having a convention. This one was standing away from the crowd so we would take its picture. They were a colorful lot. However we did not feel like petting one on that occasion.

As we meandered around the camping area we reached the fence that separated us from the other square miles of ranch. When looking back at the crowded campground it just seemed natural to shoot another picture from the back of the campground area. It was getting into late evening but the sunlight was still pretty good.

When we turned around the line of far away mountains was catching some late sun rays to make them glow. Our guess from looking at a map they were more than thirty miles away. That means they must be pretty good size dirt piles.

We heard a funny voice talking sort of like Buggs Bunny. It was saying something like I think I would like some rattlesnake for supper. Here snaky. Here snaky.

By then it was time for the Teams to hibernate for the night. The OFM was a bit tired after all the adventures this day. He even turned down an invite to head back out to try to have tooooo much fun again!

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