Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Stir Fry Challenge


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: October 23, 2023

Still trying to learn this new version of Windows 11. It loaded about 90% the same as version 10 but that last part is hard for this dummy to figure out, However once we do it is an improvement on v10 it seems to us.

We got a later start on the walk today for no reason. Then when we left the back opening in the campground to access the trail system we took a right over into an area we have not walked since last summer. The trail loops through the tennis area, golf driving range area, the whole water park area and the archery area. Then it reaches the usual hike and bike gravel path at mile marker 0. We followed that loop around to the usual spot we come onto that trail and turned back toward the campground. It turned out to be 2.7 miles and a bit longer than we remembered it in the past. But it was a very nice walk mostly on paved surfaces. It would be a great route it it was wet outside.

This first photo is looking toward the tennis complex with the golf driving range on the left and the baseball fields just off camera on the right. The golf range is also the hot air balloon landing area in the summer.

Next we crossed the area entry road to this walking path the runs along the field archery target line and leads to the target archery area.

From there you take a left and walk on the sidewalk in front of the water activities areas to the start of the hike and bike gravel trail at mile marker 0. From here we made our way back to the Castle and into the shower.

Nothing major happened during the rest of the day but lunch at Bugger King as usual and good conversation with Jerry about local items. He is a life time resident of the area and 72 years old. Nice guy to visit for sure.

This evening we took a short walk out the front of the campground and happened to see straight vapor trail from a large jet being streamed across the evening sky. We had not seen a vapor trail in a long while so it was nice to see for a change.

Then a bit later in the evening the moon put on a nice show. It was nice and bright to view. It has been a while since we last saw it like that.

Tomorrow will be interesting since the OFM has been reading cooking tales on the Internet. They told him that several meats can be stir fried and then be saved in plastic bags and frozen. Then when you want some of what you fried up, it can be warmed in the micro wave oven to, in our case, top a nice salad for a meal. That sure sounded good to us.

There you have it a plain Monday of trying to have tooooo much fun in north Alabama.

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