Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


More Castle Repairs


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: October 12, 2023

We got in a nice walk again and the OFM made another 2.8 mile brisk walk to his surprise.

At the first of the walk when we left the campground we saw that the large shade shelter that has been there for years had construction equipment messing around in the area. We got a chance and asked a soccer field maintenance man what was going on over yonder. He told us that a pickle ball court or courts were being put in. So we had to look up pickle ball to find out it is table tennis played on a small tennis court or that is what it seemed to us.

At a water break along the trail the OFM decided he liked the way the light lit up this golf course drainage area. It turned out to be a nice picture.

On the last leg of the walk the sun was right behind a very large leafed plant of some sort. The leaves were about 9-10 inches across and still growing. Anybody know what kind of plant that is?

We were checking the exterior of the Castle this morning and of the five exterior compartments all of them had latches or locks that were no longer working. So we have to replace them. At least they are readily available on Amazon and the OFM can handle the job himself for a change. We found out we have to take a couple of measurements to tell us which size we will need for the Castle. So now we have a chore to do instead of goofing off all day. We still think for a 2006 model built in 2005 and about 90,000 miles of travel on it the Castle has held up rather well.

For now we are going to get a long nights rest before chasing all the fun we can tomorrow.