Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Columbine And Courage


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: October 16, 2023

The OFM shoulder has made a major improvement from the shot damage we feel. Almost all the mobility is back and the pains are down to small ones when the arm is pushed a little to strongly. We think it will be a couple of more days and we will be all well arm wise.

This morning the walk was 50F and cold to this south Texas fellow. To top it off the OFM forgot the camera memory card again but it politely waited in the computer for us to return from the 2.2 mile walk . The OFM feels he needed a bit more clothing and we told him he needed to walk faster to warm up.

Today we show the latest coloring the OFM has done. It was completed late last night and prepared for display this morning in the bitter cold outside.

We hope you enjoy viewing Columbine and Courage.

The mail package came today and all the order was in it. So that is now an over with order. One more with latches for the Castle is due in later this week.

After having some adequate B+ rated Mexican food for lunch we hit up Hobby Lobby to kill some time. Instead we killed a ten dollar bill. They had the right stuff on sale for a new style to us of using water color. So a bit of watercolor supply things came home with us, We gave it a try and think we will like it. Let us get a bit of experience with it and we will soon give a full report with an example or two for discussion or cussing.

The main good deed the OFM did today is blow the loose leaves off the Castle roof and the campsite. The Castle gutters were a bit full of debris so it is good we did that maintenance job. We definitely do not need any more leaks.

And last but still important, the $580 camping fee was paid for another month of easy living. By the way that rate covers all utilities and use of the campground facilities for a month and is on the low end of most of the campgrounds in this part of the country. Propane use if any is at the renters extra expense, so most of us run everything on electric. Now we have another month to decide if and when and where to go if we roll out.

That is enough blabbering so everyone have a great night and sleep well.


  1. Like the colors! Nice level of expenditure for a month's worth of living comfortably too, excluding food and a few other necessities....
