Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Ordinary Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: October 6, 2023

A drizzling wet day greeted the OFM when he awoke from his nights sleep. Breakfast went well and it was still drizzling so we decided to go to Walmart and make a few loops. Walmart was busy so we had trouble making loops of the store.

After the second loop we gave up and wandered the store looking for a bargain we could not pass up. Since the OFM's shorts are getting well worn, we hit up the mens section to check on shorts on sale or whatever. The first clearance rack had a pair of quality shorts on the rack in the OFM size. The price tag was about $25 but marked down for clearance with no clearance price. We took them with us to meander the rest of the store for a deal we could not pass up. None came and bothered us so we headed to the checkout.

At the check we rang up a couple other very small purchases and then scanned the pants. Bang the clearance price came up as $5. In went the credit card and we locked that price and smiled. That is a nice deal. So we went home really happy.

During the rest of the day we did small chores like blow the leaves off the campsite to keep from tracking them into the Castle. Talking a bit to neighbors and things like that. Lunch with my lunch friend ran over an hour before we went our ways. And soon enough we decided to hit up Lawlers for a stuffed potato. Half of it is for supper tomorrow night.

Tomorrow is the gymnastics event in Gadsden Al. Grankid Piper will be competing and we will be there to see it we hope. It is a two hour drive from here so we hope we find our way in time to see her perform. And that is an ordinary day in the life of the OFM these days. Maybe tomorrow we will have some pics of a grandaughter showing off her skills. We hope so. Have a good night resting so you can have a big day or trying to have tooooo much fun Saturday.

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