Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Preparing And Planning


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: October 17, 2023

A very nice walk this morning got us a bit over two miles and a great picture at the turn around point. We were out a bit earlier today and to our surprise the trails were nearly deserted.

Over all we only crossed paths with about ten folks which is normally about 20-30 folks. So we enjoyed the trail and the wildlife critters. Lots of smaller ground critters were scurrying around along the water line as we walked past them.

This trail system has many forks and wrap around trails and it takes a while to learn all the this way or that a ways. When we are here the OFM gets to help lost folks about every other week as they stand at another intersection with a confused look. There is no map of the trail system available.

Here is a typical trail intersection to show you what we mean.

At this mornings turnaround point the OFM was getting his drink of water from his old root beer bottle he carries and the lighting changed a bit. Out came the camera to grab a shot of the lighting on a slough nearby. We really like what we got and we hope you do also.

On the coloring side of things we are planning on working with watercolor for a while to see what the OFM can do with that medium and get a break from colored pencils. A sharp right turn and away we go.

Tomorrow is get ready for the trip to the trailer doctors on Thursday. We are hoping that they can actually get all things finished in one day like they think they can. In the mean time we have been mapping out temperature controlled routes out in west Texas for some fun for about five months. Names like Rio Grande River, Brewster County, Roma Texas, Terlingua Texas and Jal, New Mexico keep popping up. We will see what happens. Have fun outdoors.


  1. Jal?? I never knew how to say it, and have never been there, though it is just up the road from Kermit I see.....for some reason I am laughing. Scrub country, but my there ARE big skies out there.....

  2. For several years I worked with an engineer from Jal. I have been in that area several times and find the nooks and crannies in the area interesting. I was born in Clovis.
