Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Day Of Drizzle Travel


Adventure Location: Rockport Tx to Falcon Lake SP Tx

Adventure Date: 2-1-2023

We got off to a good start on a drizzling morning and no troubles at all for the rest of the day. That was a nice change. The drizzle went on for the whole 5 hours of the driving and getting set up in the campsite.

Here is the driving weather the whole way.

Traffic behaved well and our rig ran very well. But it never stopped drizzling rain drops for the whole trip.

The hoped for plan was to camp at the Falcon County free camping land next door to the State Park. When we got to the intersection to turn into our choice the OFM looked at the free camping mud hole with deep ruts running all over the place and decided we would choose the surfaced roads and developed campsites of the state park over playing in the mud.

It did not take long setting up camp before we were really glad to NOT be in the deep mud next door. The OFM signed us up for 7 days so we get one day free This site is water and electric and next door to the nice rest room building. That worked out well.

Our temperature about1800 was 42F so we should be safe from freezing from the big cold front moving through the USA.

Tomorrow we have to get busy at trying to have tooooo much fun here at what is left of the lake.


  1. I will take pavement over mud and pot holes any day, no matter the cost.

    1. Since the lake is so far down there is a lot of soft powder that makes nasty mud too easy in a bit of drizzle.

  2. Glad you made it easily....and GOOD choice. Mud and vehicles are...well, not exactly friends.

  3. Glad to see that you are in a good place.

    1. Services are a bit distant from here but the highway to them is excellent,
