Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Wild Vine


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-10-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

As the wind ripped through the trees we headed to Memorial Park to take advantage of the trees and tall shrubbery to protect us from that wind. The temperatures were mild to warm today so we had a good walk and headed to the Castle to figure out what to do next.

The decision was to meander around the area looking for photos for reference. So we did that in great quantity. Probably forty photos. Tonight we went through them all and fed the electronic trash can all of them. We hit up two beaches, three parks, several natural areas and a few other locations and wasted a lot of electrons.

That left us with no new pics show tonight so we chose a painting finished a month or so ago to show tonight. We hope you enjoy it.

As usual it was a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I always hate it when the pictures I take turn out to be no shows but there are days like that. At least you got some exercise.

  2. Yes! I like the wild vine and berries. And the header photo is still nice enough to suffice. We were windy too here yesterday, with a high of 85. Today, it's calmer, but a high of 54. I'll bet it's cooler down there too, or soon will be.
