Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Time For Change


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-12-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

We got a good start on the chilly day with a good walk, except that we did not find any pictures to take. We searched wide and low for anything to take a picture of and did not find it.

Then later the OFM decided to show his latest painting.

We do not have any more paintings in progress at this time. The OFM does have lots of ideas, sketches, and concepts rattling around in his skull but nothing on paper exists yet. What seems to be happening is as he learns more it takes longer and longer to paint the paintings.

One thing that the OFM prefers is to do his paintings in 5 inch by 7 inch format. That is about the largest size that fits in our working space in the Castle easily.

Another thing going on for now is the possibility of changing locations. We arrived in the area on September 28. We have itchy tires that need scratching by rolling down the highway. That also gives us the opportunity for new ideas for new paintings to calm the OFM down a bit. Winter is due here in Rockport about Christmas day and we want to head to warmer places for January and February.

Since we have the full roaming ability, it is not impossible we could roll back through here for the Spring flower show. After all this is a pretty good area for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I like your new painting very much.
    Great sunset on the water!
    Jackie beat me to it.....
    Roll on, OFM!
