Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Feature Maybe


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-25-2021

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It has been a bit of a rough day today. Some kind of a bug was gnawing on the OFM intestines and not letting him sleep well. BUT we seem to finally be getting things under control. Then of course lots of things happen on Christmas day when all the new toys come out to play. And in a beach town it is big folks toys as well as kid toys. Sometimes it is fun to watch the learners attempt to learn.

Then a new item for the blog may be coming into the reporting. A few blog readers have made some suggestions and the OFM is working on the details of what might be fun or silly in the near future.

So quit the yapping and do some reporting.

First thing we noticed at the loop at the end of the beach park was a new concrete pad with a new bench mounted on it. This is a really good spot to sit and watch the fancy boats and bikinis on weekends.

At the first tour of the beach it was not many folks out so we got our walk in and headed out to look for other adventures. Sure enough about noon the new toys came out to play and here is some of them. The place was heavily used all the way to dark.

Apparently new para sails were popular this year. Several bright shiny new ones with their new operators were vying for silliest error medals. They we having a ball and making great big splashes all over the place. The OFM has never tried one of them.

The sun was bright all day and the air was about 75F most of the day. Here is an example of the sun when we were walking the first thing this morning.

From the looks of the yaks up close and the way some of the folks out in the yaks paddled, a bunch of new kayaks were delivered for Christmas. We are very familiar with that sort of fun and recommend it for most folks.

A bit later Santa arrived at the saltwater pool and waded in for a nice relaxing time after all that work last night.

Later in the afternoon the fishing pier suddenly got crowded. All we can figure is the new fishing gear finally got a try out. And from what the owner of Tackle Town here in Rockport told the OFM, they had really good sales this Christmas once they got some inventory into the store.

And the last thing for tonight is the possible new “feature”. A couple of blog readers have politely asked if the OFM would take pictures of a painting as it is being developed all the way to completion. We are worried that a lot of real artists cannot handle the extreme laughing that will happen if we do that. Well we will see how it works out but there are a couple of kinks to work out yet. Today at the beach was a really good effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.