Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Bits And Pieces


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 12-16-2021

Click the picture to enlarge it

Nothing happened like it was planned. But everything went well. The lost envelope to the OFM's grandson finally arrived in Alabama a few days after the rest of the stuff. So that is wonderful.

The walk was at the beach park and the OFM body was not ready for a long one again so we stopped after about a mile and a half and went fishing. And that is all that happened, fishing. Nope no catching.

Old Friend Don stopped at the pier and we spent a nice time visiting. The breeze was a bit strong but we managed to use up about 45 minutes of jawing effort. It was a nice visit.

Some grocery shopping resulted in a nice chicken and rice thick soup for supper. By the way we tried out putting spices and herbs in the pot with the frozen chicken while we poached the chicken. That really worked out well with flavored chicken for future meals. The broth also came out great and is in the freezer to use when we get caught up on eating up a bunch of left over/planned meals from other cooking events. The Teams are not going to starve anytime soon.

A rumor floated through the OFM hearing zone today that Whataburger is about to change their menu and food supplier. That could be a very interesting change.

We did get a good start on a new painting today but it is already proving to be way past the Teams ability. So it might just turn out to be a great learning event instead of a nice painting. That would be a good outcome also.

We have been checking the weather for the next few weeks and this area is looking nice at least to the end of the month. Normally Rockport has winter the first three weeks of January anyway. It is just possible we might need to run farther south for a month and then come back for the spring fish runs.

Anyway you look at it we will be out there trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. You know, for an old geezer, you do pretty well on making your own meals from scratch. I am a geezeresse (I'm guessing at the feminine form) and sometimes just get way bored with it. I wait with bated breath about how Whataburger will chile burgers are so good.
