
Good And Bad News


Adventure Location: Rockport,Texas

Adventure Date: 1-15-2022

Click the picture to enlarge it

Morning started plainly and it stayed plain all day. We did the usual morning stuff and the weather stuck around in 40 mph gusts and cold temperatures. Tonight the temperatures have moderated a good bit and the winds have definitely abated quite a bit. We had to go outside and rebuild the sewer assembly a few times because the wind knocked it all apart. Tomorrow we plan to “design and build” a better sewer hose support. Here is the residue from today's messes.

All that strong wind and chilling weather gave the OFM time in the morning to get in a few hours of colored pencil work on the latest painting. But when lunch time got here we had to shut down to go eat. The OFM's dieting efforts produced a five pound drop in the last month but when eating time is here, he wants to EAT NOW.

So here is a quick glance at some of the results of the pencil work this morning.

Some not so great news popped up on the Internet this afternoon. Both places we normally head over to this time of the year, Falcon Lake and Amistad Reservoir, are having a major run of fresh Covid cases. So now we are needing to do some careful considering again.

This area of the Texas coast is just about to enter the best three months of the year so the worst case scenario is staying here until we head for Grandkid Land for the summer. And that is usually a great place for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I enjoyed your foggy header last week.
    What's the story on the new "Natural Beauty"?
    Such a short, wide rainbow. Nice shot!

    1. I saw it on the internet and thought it was nice. No attributes were found for it wherever I saw it.

  2. Glad you are staying Safe and Enjoying the challenges of having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
