
Pretty Good Piddling

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
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Seafog was again the main obstacle this morning to getting out and around.  When the fog did lift a bit after lunch time, the day was pretty nice but getting windier as the day wore on. Earlier in the morning one undersized trout was landed and sent back to grow up. 

After that it was hours of casting exercise. finally the OFM decided to go through the tackle boxes and lighten our load. So we had a good couple of hours getting rid of lots of fishing items we likely will never use again. As an RVer that means a lighter load and less storage space needed. We need to keep it that way.

Late in the day we noticed that the sun had popped out a lot of flowers around the harbor. So now we go on a flower picture binge.

This is Texas so bluebonnets get to go first.

Naturally the red bonnets are next in the show.

Since the Texas flag is red, white and blue the next flower has to be white and it is.

There always has to be a mystery and tonight it is the yellow - orange flower of which we saw only a few.

The desert has been on the Teams mind lately and there was one Texas Sage bloom to photograph. It was definitely appreciated by the OFM.

Over at the beach it seems the seagull romance time is running full force and most of the gulls are already paired up and acting nesting style. This pair is still “dating” shall we say. However we think they are serious because they have been running together for a few days.

A fish caught, tackle cleaned out, hours of fishing and lots of flowers to see made for a pretty good day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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