
More SeaFog

Adventure Location: Rockport, TX
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Seafog was again the main obstacle this morning.

This is the third blog entry with that same line as the starter. It is getting tiresome but at least the temperature was not chilly. The OFM had the wild idea that some fog pictures around the beach area might be interesting. 

The fog was so thick most of the time that the OFM’s glasses had rivulets of condensation running down and off them. Any way he pushed on through the fog to fish and take pictures.

Here is when we started out onto the pier.

It was nice to have the hand rails to keep the OFM on the decking. We fished our way out to the end. No bites. The OFM wiped his glasses enough to see the decking and we headed back to Sierra. 

A little way before the end of the pier this nice new bridge over the sand dunes appeared in the fog. 

It surely was there when we went out but the fog had hidden it.  It replaces one that got wiped out by Hurricane Harvey. This seems to be a very nice one. We will check it out in detail when the fog goes away.

We had a spinning reel destruct this morning. The OFM tore it down and found a gear and a bearing housing in worthless shape. So the pile of parts went into the garbage. Our last spare reel was pressed into service. We use $30 spinning reels that last about 8 years normally. The price tag on the box was $29.99 back in 2010. We checked today and they are still $29.99.  We think we may by another spare and it could easily be the last reel of the OFM’s life.

When we headed to the harbor area to test the “new” reel the sun was out and the crowds had cleared a good bit.

The reel worked very well and we got in almost an hour of fishing before sunset was getting close. We headed back to Sierra and a flower popped up begging to be photographed, so we satisfied its desire.

It turned out to be a very pretty flower. And the Teams definitely had an interesting day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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